Our client

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The client is a Korean company specializing in interior design and engaged in interior design eCommerce. The client has established its own business as an expert with many experienced designers with a vast understanding of business and interior design.

Their operation has successfully delivered many desirable interior designs to many contractors and effectively connects designers with contractors.


The project is a social network page combined with an eCommerce platform about interior design. The applications can run on various platforms, including Web and Mobile.

The application's functionality can be divided into Designers, Users, and Business Users. Designers Users can use the platform to upload and advertise their designs through a social network post to the contractors or anyone who draws interest in the design. Business Users can then read the posts and see the images and the price from the Designers' design, allowing them to understand the Designer's style better and decide whether it suits their needs. 

To increase security and ensure that the designers' copyrights don't violate, users can only get full access to the designs posted by the designers after they have made the artwork purchase.

The application can display a list of contractors that used the applications and communicate those to the designers to help designers have more flexibility and be more active in finding a potential contractor for their designs.

CLIENT’s initiative

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Understand the importance and needs of the client. The client aims to have a platform that allows them and many designers to participate in and create a social network page where designers can come and share their designs and enable them to do business with contractors interested in their products.

The platform, which could run on various operating systems and platforms, would allow more profitable and rapid growth alongside increased reach from designers and contractors. The application would connect the designers and the contractors and increase transparency for both designers and contractors.

NNG deployed the best staff team with a great understanding of the business and provided the clients with a suitable social network and eCommerce platform.


With a development team consisting of capable developers, we are constantly building and improving the platform to meet customer expectations. We have created a Web App and social media page alongside an eCommerce platform for PC and Mobile.



Team Size
1 Lead | 3 Software Engineers | 1 QC Engineer

Project Timeline
12+ months